L. Araujo; T. Matos; J. Cabral; M. Martins
4-FSK High-Speed Underwater Acoustic Communication System
OCEANS Conference & Exposition, Limerick, Ireland, Junho 2023
T. Matos, M. Martins, A. Moutinho, et al.
Synchronous Oceanic and Atmospheric Data Acquisition: field test release and validation of atmospheric, oceanographic, and deep-sea probes in the Azores Islands”
OCEANS Conference & Exposition, Limerick, Ireland, Junho 2023
Matos, T.; Pinto, V.; Sousa, P.; Martins, M.; Fernández, E.; Henriques, R.; Gonçalves, L.M.
Design and In Situ Validation of Low-Cost and Easy to Apply Anti-Biofouling Techniques for Oceanographic Continuous Monitoring with Optical Instruments.
Sensors 2023, 23, 605. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23020605
A.C. Rodrigues
Altitude and trajectory control of a weather meteorological balloon subject to wind disturbances
Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 2023, https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/cursos/memec21/dissertacao/565303595503186
J. Pacheco, D. Henriques, S. Oliveira, A. Moutinho, F. Viveiros, D. Henriques, P. Hernández, N. Pèrez
Ground-based volcanic ash detection with low-cost sensors: a case study at the 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption
Session GMPV8.5 – Volcanic plumes: insights into volcanic emissions and their impacts on the environment, atmosphere and climate, Vienna, Austria, April 2023
S. Oliveira, F. Viveiros, J. Pacheco, D. Henriques, A. Moutinho, N. Pèrez, P. Hernández
Periodical behaviour of air CO2 time series after Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption
Session NH2.1 – Permanent gas emissions in volcanic areas – a silent hazard, Vienna, Austria, April 2023
Matos, T., Martins, M., Moutinho, A., Henriques, D., Silva, D., Pacheco, P., Oliveira, S., Faria, C., Rocha, J., Gonçalves, L., Viveiros, F., Fialho, P., Henriques, D., Neto, R.
Synchronous Oceanic and Atmospheric Data
Acquisition: field test release and validation of
atmospheric, oceanographic, and deep-sea probes in
the Azores Islands
Dinis, H.; Rocha, J.; Matos, T.; Gonçalves, L.M.; Martins, M.
The Challenge of Long-Distance Over-the-Air Wireless Links in the Ocean: A Survey on Water-to-Water and Water-to-Land
MIoT Communication. Sci.2022, 12, 6439. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12136439
Viveiros, F., Henriques, D., Pacheco, J., Moutinho, A., Martins, M., Oliveira, S., Silva, D., Matos, T., Hernéndez, P., Pérez, N., Goulart, C., Henriques, D., Fialho, P., Gonçalves,L., Faria, C., and Rocha, J. (2022).
Air quality real-time monitoring during volcanic crises with low-cost sensors: the Cumbre Vieja volcano study case.
EGU General Assembly 2022, Viena (Áustria)
Pacheco, J., Alexandra, M., Henriques, D., Martins, M., hernândez, P., Oliveira, S., Matos, T., Silva, D., Viveiros, F., Barrancos, J., Henriques, D., Pérez, N., Eleazar Padrón, E., Melián, G., Barreto, A., Gonzalez, Y., Rodríguez, S., Cuevas, E., Ramos, R., Fialho, P., Goulart, C., Gonçalves, L., Faria, C., and Rocha, J. (2022)
Low-cost, fast deployment multi-sensor observations of the 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption.
EGU General Assembly 2022, Viena (Áustria)
T. Matos a, J.L. Rocha a, C.L. Faria a, M.S. Martins a, Renato Henriques b, L.M. Goncalves
Development of an automated sensor for in-situ continuous monitoring of streambed sediment height of a waterway
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 808, 20 February 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152164
Faria, C.L.; Martins, M.S.; Matos, T.; Lima, R.; Miranda, J.M.; Gonçalves, L.M.
Underwater Energy Harvesting to Extend Operation Time of Submersible Sensors.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1341. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22041341
T. Matos; J. L. Rocha; H. Dinis; C. L. Faria; M. S. Martins; Renato Henriques; L.M. Goncalves
A low-cost, low-power and low-size multi-parameter station for real-time and online monitoring of the coastal area
OCEANS 2022, Hampton Roads, Hampton Roads, VA, USA, 2022, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/OCEANS47191.2022.9977347.
M. S. Martins et al.
Network nodes for ocean data exchange through submarine fiber optic cable repeaters
OCEANS 2022, Hampton Roads, Hampton Roads, VA, USA, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/OCEANS47191.2022.9977361.
C.M. Penso; J.L. Rocha; M.S. Martins; P.J. Sousa; V.C. Pinto; G. Minas; M. M. Silva; L.M. Gonçalves
A cost-effective oxygen probe manufactured by simple fabrication processes
OCEANS 2021: San Diego – Porto, San Diego, CA, USA, 2021, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.23919/OCEANS44145.2021.9705856.
C. L. Faria, M. S. Martins, R. Lima, T. Matos, J. M. Miranda and L. M. Gonçalves
Underwater generator for submersible sensors
OCEANS 2021: San Diego – Porto, San Diego, CA, USA, 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.23919/OCEANS44145.2021.9706019.
J.L. Rocha; T. Matos; M.S. Martins; S.F. Lopes; P.A. Gomes; R. Henriques; L.M. Gonçalves
Cost Effective CTD for Long Term Deployments in Water Columns
OCEANS 2021: San Diego – Porto, San Diego, CA, USA, 2021, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.23919/OCEANS44145.2021.9705844.